现将我们遇到的酷似冠心病的淡漠型甲亢性心脏病3例报告如下。病例摘要例1:女患,59岁。该患1年来自觉心悸、气短,时而出现心前区闷痛,多在活动或激动时发生,不放散,休息片刻自然缓解。曾诊为冠心病、心绞痛。经用硝苯吡啶、复方丹参等药物治疗,病情不见好转,且日趋严重。近1周来心前区疼痛频繁。查体:血压18.7/12kPa,脉搏86次/分。眼征(-)。甲状腺Ⅰ肿大,其右叶可扪及2×1.5cm 结节,较软,无粘连。血管鸣(-)。心尖部可闻及Ⅲ级缩鸣。实验室检查:血清钙3.03mmol/L,磷1.10mmol/L,镁1.7mmol/L,胆固醇2.79mmol/L,β脂蛋白1.85g/L,甘油三酯0.39mmol/
Now we encounter exactly like coronary heart disease indifferent hyperthyroidism heart disease reported in 3 cases as follows. Case Summary Example 1: female patient, 59 years old. The suffering from heart palpitations 1 year, shortness of breath, sometimes appear precordial boring pain, more in the event or excitement occurs, do not let up, take a moment to ease naturally. Have been diagnosed with coronary heart disease, angina pectoris. After using nifedipine, compound Salvia and other drugs, the condition did not improve, and increasingly serious. Nearly a week ago precordial pain. Physical examination: blood pressure 18.7 / 12kPa, pulse 86 beats / min. Eye sign (-). Thyroid Ⅰ swelling, palpable right lobe and 2 × 1.5cm nodules, more soft, no adhesions. Vascular (-). Apex can be heard and Ⅲ grade Ming Ming. Laboratory tests: serum calcium 3.03mmol / L, phosphorus 1.10mmol / L, magnesium 1.7mmol / L, cholesterol 2.79mmol / L, beta lipoprotein 1.85g / L, triglyceride 0.39mmol /