她们,或是个人创业,或是依托家族,但都身家过亿,在股市的潮起潮落中浮现出丽影。陈凤英:成功男人背后的女人尽管陈凤英坐拥近12亿的财富,但我们在公开资料中能看到的她却只是一个符号:鼎鼎大名的汽车玻璃大王——曹德旺的结发妻子。人很好、淳朴是曹德旺对她的评价。1969年曹德旺和陈凤英结婚,家里一穷二白,曹德旺卖掉嫁妆去做生意,陈凤英独自在家照看曹生病的母亲。经历风雨沧桑的35年后,陈凤英的这种角色定位一直延续至今,只是两人的境况已是今非昔比。目前,陈凤英持有福建省耀华工业村开发有限公司99.9%的股权进而拥有福耀玻璃(SH 600660)19.44%的股份。福耀玻璃是世界前十大汽车玻璃制造商之一,是中国最大的汽车玻璃专业供应商,福耀玻璃占据了国内高档轿车55%以上市场份额,在汽车
They, or individual entrepreneurship, or rely on the family, but all have a net worth of more than a billion people, emerging in the ebb and flow of the stock market Li Lai. Chen Fengying: the woman behind the successful man Although Chen Fengying sat on the wealth of nearly 1.2 billion, but we can see in the public information she is only a symbol: the famous car glass king - Cao Dewang’s wife. Very good people, honest is Cao Dewang her evaluation. In 1969 Cao Dewang and Chen Fengying married, the family was poor and poor, Cao Dewang sold his dowry to do business, Chen Fengying alone at home to take care of Cao’s sick mother. Thirty-five years after the vicissitudes of life, Chen Feng-ying’s role has been extended to this day, but the situation of the two has changed. Currently, Chen Fengying holds a 99.9% stake in Fujian Yaohua Industrial Estate Development Co., Ltd. and a 19.44% stake in Fuyao Glass (SH 600660). Fuyao Glass is one of the world’s top 10 automotive glass manufacturers and is the largest automotive glass supplier in China. Fuyao Glass occupies more than 55% of the domestic luxury sedan market. In the automotive industry,