
来源 :电力技术 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:z19910620
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一、震情简述1976年7月28日凌晨3时42分,唐山发生了强烈地震。其震级为里氏7.8级,震中位置为东径118°12′,北纬39°28′,震源深度9公里,震中烈度达Ⅺ度。在这次强烈地震中,唐山发电厂虽位于Ⅹ度破坏区内,但震害较轻。陡河发电厂位于Ⅸ度破坏区内,震害却 First, the brief earthquake conditions July 3, 1976 at 3:42, Tangshan, a strong earthquake. The magnitude is Richter 7.8, the epicenter is 118 ° 12 ’east and 39 ° 28’N, the focal depth is 9 km and the epicenter intensity is Ⅺ °. In this strong earthquake, although Tangshan power plant located in the X-degree destruction area, but less damage. Douhe Power Plant is located in Ⅸ degree damage area, but the earthquake damage
大排量套管泵 美国KSBArtiengesellsch公司制造了一种RDLO系列双入口、轴向可拆卸螺壳型套管泵 ,其排量高达 2 .8L/s ,扬程为 2 4 0m ,在高效率的运转条件下有较长的使用寿命。 用可调稳定器改进钻井
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