抓拍藏羚羊 2001年8月21日,腕表时针刚刚指向五,但西藏的公路仍笼罩在月光之中,这里的黎明总比上海的晚2个多小时。披着浓霜,顶着冷风只有自行车伴着我在空旷无垠的羌塘行进。寂静的荒滩上,连自己的心跳都能听得一清二楚。 东方一轮红日冉冉升起,在连绵起伏的山丘草地上,三五成群的藏羚羊或是野鹿正溜步觅食左右摇摆尾巴,自由自在品尝“早餐”。这些动物
Grasp the Tibetan antelope On August 21, 2001, the hour hand of the watch just pointed at five, but the road in Tibet is still shrouded in the moonlight, where the dawn is always more than two hours later than Shanghai. Dressed in thick cream, carrying a cold wind only accompanied me in the vast open Qiangtang. Still wasteland, even his own heart can hear clearly. The red sun in the east rises slowly. On the rolling hills and grasslands, small groups of Tibetan antelopes or wild deer are strolling around for their food and swing their tails, enjoying the freedom of breakfast. These animals