块菌是陆良县最为珍贵的一类野生食用菌,近年来由于不科学的过度采集,导致共生植物的根系及菌塘遭到严重破坏,块菌产量逐年明显下降。为了保护和可持续利用块菌资源,项目组对陆良县的块菌资源种类、生境和利用现状进行了调查。发现陆良县重要的商品贸易块菌有印度块菌(Tuber indicum)、阔孢块菌(Tuber latispora)和假凹陷块菌(Tuber pseudoexcatum);共生树种有云南松(Pinus yunnanense)、华山松(Pinus armandii)、滇杨(Populus yunnanensis)同时针对块菌产量持续下降问题,提出了恢复、保护和可持续利用的措施和技术方法。
Truffles are the most precious type of wild edible mushrooms in Luliang County. In recent years, due to unscientific over-harvesting, the roots and ponds of symbiotic plants have been severely damaged, and the yield of truffles has dropped significantly year by year. In order to conserve and sustainably utilize truffle resources, the project team investigated the species, habitats and utilization status of the truffle resources in Luliang County. It was found that there are Tuber indicum, Tuber latispora and Tuber pseudoexcatum in Luliang County. The symbiotic species are Pinus yunnanense, Pinus armandii and Populus yunnanensis. Meanwhile, aiming at the continuous decline of the production of truffles, measures and technical methods for restoration, conservation and sustainable utilization were put forward.