她,犹如一条巨龙,蜿蜒盘踞在虞绍平原; 她,酷似一条绸带,连接着之江南北; 她是一座永恒的丰碑,记录着筑路人的风采。 历史沧桑,时代变迁,素有九县通衢的上虞,重振浙东交通枢纽城市。一条致富和腾飞的“黄金通道”从她的腹地上延伸…… 她就是浙江省跨世纪的一项重大基础设施建设项目——上三高速公路。 承担该项目“一标段工程”的上虞市交通工程实业有限公司总经理项金耀从中标的第一天起,就把这项“上三线的门户”工程视作“一号工程”,倾其心血,带领全公司干部职工同心协力,全力投入。“一号工程”留下多少催人泪下的故事;“一号工程”更铸就了建设者一种不屈不挠的精神,一种奋发向上的志气。 一个优质目标铸就一座永恒丰碑 当1997年12月17日接到中标通知书起,上虞市交通工程实业有限公司就立下创优良工程的军令状。然而,直到2000年11月20日全线完工,12月中旬经省质监站验收,达到优良工程,一标段的建设者们才喜笑颜开,因为他们真正铸就了一座丰碑。
She is like a dragon, meandering entrenched in the plains of Yu Shao; she, resembles a ribbon, connecting the north and south of the river; she is an eternal monument, recording the passers-by style. Vicissitudes of history, changes in the times, known as Shangyu nine thoroughfares, revitalize Zhendong transport hub city. A wealthy and off-going “golden passage” extends from her hinterland ... She is a major infrastructure project across Zhejiang in the past century - the Shangsan Expressway. Take the project, “a tendering project” Shangyu Traffic Engineering Co., Ltd. General Manager Xiang Jinyao from the successful bidder on the first day, put this “on the three lines of the portal” project as a “project”, dumping Efforts to lead the company-wide cadres and workers work together, fully committed. “One Project” left a lot of tear-telling stories; “Project One” cast the builders a more indomitable spirit, a progressive ambition. A quality goal cast an eternal monument When December 17, 1997 received the notice of the successful bidder, Shangyu Traffic Engineering Industrial Co., Ltd. has set a military order of excellent works. However, until November 20, 2000 completed across the board, in mid-December by the provincial quality supervision station inspection, to achieve good works, a tenders builders just smile, because they really cast a monument.