Using the simplified SIJR model of SEIJR model, the important parameters such as the propagation rate and the basic reproduction number in SARS transmission were analyzed. The model was used to fit the previous data of SARS outbreak in Hong Kong, Canada and Singapore, and the propagation rate And then adjust the model parameters (isolation rate, etc.) after control measures to predict the development trend of SARS in the later stage. At the same time, it can be seen that the data before the model fitting and the data after the model predicting control There is a clear inflection point, which fully reflects the control of disease epidemics follow different rules.The established mathematical model of SARS can also compare the effectiveness of measures to control outbreaks in different areas at the same time.This model gives the results and Hong Kong, Singapore and Canada’s actual The data are in good agreement and give quantitative indicators of the intensity of government control in these areas during the late SARS period.