·短篇论· 本届经各地选拔推荐,上报参评的短篇电视剧计27部50集;而经初评委员会遴选进入终评的,则仅存12部20集。应当说,这12部作品。题材相当广泛。风格样式也各呈异彩。但公允而论,其思想、艺术水平所达到的高度,恐怕还很难说是已超越了历届短篇电视刚的最佳作品。这种短篇创作不尽如人意的现状,不能不说与近几年来屏坛存在的“重长轻短”的创作倾向有关。尽管如此,荣获等级奖的6部作品,仍为我国短篇电视剧的创作,提供了值得珍视的新鲜经验。
· Short Papers · Throughout the selection of the current recommendation, to report the short TV series 27 sets of 50 episodes; and the selection of the final assessment committee to enter the final assessment, then only 12 sets of 20 episodes. It should be said that these 12 works. A wide range of topics. Style styles are also colorful. However, to be fair, it is hard to say that the height reached by its thinking and art level has surpassed the best works ever made by previous short stories. This kind of short story creation is not satisfactory, and it can not but be said that there is a connection between “long and short” creative tendency existing in the screen altar in recent years. Nevertheless, the 6 works that won the grade award still provide fresh experiences that are worthy of treasures for the creation of short-TV drama in our country.