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案情介绍:卖方某食品公司与买方李某签订买卖合同一份。合同约定:李某从食品公司购买方便面,因李某所订产品为新包装,需要交1万元的保证金,在退回包装后返还该1万元。合同订立的当日,李某将1万元现金交给食品公司,食品公司出具了“收合同定金1万元”的款项收入凭证。买卖合同履行完毕之后,李某未将包装物返还食品公司,食品公司未将1万元现金返还给李某。李某多次要求食品公司返还1万元未果,于是向法院起诉,要求食品公司双倍返还定金共计2万元。食品公司辩称李某交的是包 Case Presentation: The seller of a food company and the buyer Lee signed a sales contract. Contract: Lee bought instant noodles from the food company, because Lee ordered the product for the new packaging, you need to pay 10,000 yuan deposit returned in the packaging of the 10,000 yuan. The contract concluded the same day, Lee will be 1 million in cash to the food company, the food company issued a “contract with the deposit of 10,000 yuan,” the amount of income receipts. After the completion of the sale and purchase contract, Lee did not return the package to the food company, the food company did not return 10,000 yuan in cash to Lee. Lee repeatedly asked the food company failed to return 10,000 yuan, then sued the court, requiring double the total return of food companies a total of 2 million deposit. Food companies argued that Lee handed over the package
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