奥斯卡奖的全称叫做“电影科学学院奖”,最早起源于称为“喧嚣时代”的20年代。鉴于早期电影粗制滥造,格调低俗,对社会的道德与人们的观念产生不利影响,加之当时电影界丑闻频生,米高梅公司(MGM)总裁路易斯·B·梅耶于1927年5月4日提出设立这一奖项,旨在向电影业致敬并奖励其中的成功人士,用他的话说就是“提升电影的文化,教育以及科学水平。” 首届奥斯卡颁奖典礼上,演员们第一次获得了一尊13英寸高,8磅重的人像,人像为男性,手持一把十字军长剑,呆呆地站在一卷电影胶片上面。雕像的形象是米高梅公司的美术指导,塞德里克·吉本斯在好莱坞的巴尔的摩旅馆中设计出来的。但直到1931年以前,这个小人儿并没有一个正式的名字。有一种
The Oscar for the full name is called “Academy of Motion Picture Science Award”, first originated in the 1920s known as the “noisy era.” In the light of the scruffy and clichés of the early films that negatively affected the morality of society and people’s attitudes, and at the time the scandal in the movie industry was frequent, Louis B. Mayer, president of MGM, proposed on May 4, 1927 The award, designed to honor the movie industry and reward successful people, was “enhancing the cultural, educational and scientific aspects of the film.” For the first Academy Awards, the actors won for the first time a 13 Inch tall, 8-pound portrait, portrait of a man, holding a Crusader sword, standing blankly above a roll of film. The statue is the art director of MGM, and Cedric Gibbons was designed at the Baltimore Hotel in Hollywood. But until 1931, the little boy did not have a formal name. a kind