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科学共产主义的创始人,全世界无产阶级的伟大导师马克思逝世已经一百周年了。马克思的伟大历史功绩,就在于他研究了人类历史、特别是资本主义的历史和现状,证明世界资本主义制度必然要走向崩溃,社会将过渡到没有人剥削人的社会主义、共产主义制度。马克思逝世一百年的历史,充分证明马克思学说的正确性,他的科学预见在许多国家已经或正在变成现实。资本主义制度危机引起的第一次世界大战,使得俄国的工人阶级在列宁的领导下,取得了革命的胜利,建立了世界上第一个社会主义国家。第二次世界大战以后,又有更多的国家 Marx, the founder of scientific communism and great teacher of the proletariat in the world, has a hundred -th anniversary of his death. The great historical achievements of Marx lie in his study of the history and current situation of human history, especially capitalism, that the system of world capitalism is bound to collapse and that society will make the transition to the socialist and communist system where no one exploits others. The one hundred-year history of Marx’s death fully proves the correctness of the Marx doctrine. His scientific foresight has been or is becoming a reality in many countries. The first world war caused by the crisis of the capitalist system led the Russian working class to victory in the revolution under the leadership of Lenin and established the first socialist country in the world. After World War II, there are more countries
以1949年为节点,一条海峡,风吹草动惊两岸。  冷战阴影下,大陆和台湾不同的党化教育,进而带来的意识形态化取向,使“最美最母亲的国度”(余光中诗句),荡然两半。此岸和彼岸,意识形态化不同,将学术与政治放在一个锅里煮,却惊人地一致。由此,以政治为分野,两岸文人、学界老死不相往来;浩浩千年邦国文化,悬为虚器。  从1979年叶剑英改善两岸关系的“叶九条”,到1995年江泽民的“江八点”,再到现今以和