《时代周刊》从去年开始在Time Digital上公布他们选出的电脑时代的50位最重要人物,这是一个塑造未来的精英们的名单。负责仲裁名单的时代周刊高级编辑说:“有时候跟踪过去几十年令人激动的技术革命是非常困难的,只要看一看各人的口袋就可以看到一打技术革命的成就,从移动电话到IC卡,但是我们是否认识到,是人使得这一切可以最终发生。”然而电脑时代既充斥着像爆米花一样增长的财富与荣耀的迷人一面,也有像流星一样转瞬即逝从而被人抛诸脑后的冷酷无情。在去年入围的50人中,今年只有17人入围,在这个思想家、商人和梦想者混合在一起的名单里,抛开比尔·盖茨、Dell这些让我们耳朵直起茧子的名字,来关注一下那些鲜为国内人知的“数字”精英们,也许对瞄准了IT、Internet等领域梦想成为比尔·盖茨第X的人们会有所启示。(原文载于《时代周刊》,标题数字为《时代周刊》所排名次。)
Time Magazine last year announced at Time Digital the list of the 50 most important men of their time in computing, the elite who shape the future. The senior editor of Time magazine, who is in charge of the arbitration list, said: “Sometimes it is very difficult to track the exciting technological revolution of the past decades. Just look at the pockets of each person to see the accomplishments of a dozen technological revolutions, Call to an IC card, but do we realize that it is human that makes it all happen? ”Yet the computer age is filled with the fascinating side of wealth and glory that grows like popcorn, and is fleeting by meteor Ignored after the ruthless. Of the 50 short-listed finalists this year, only 17 were short-listed and in the list of thinkers, businesspeople and dreamers, take a look at the names of Bill Gates and Dell, who give our ears straight cocoon The “digital” elite, known little by little in the country, may have enlightened the people who are aiming for Bill Gates X in the fields of IT and the Internet. (The original is in Time magazine and the title number is ranked by Time magazine.)