Analysis on Fashion Network Marketing Model

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  Abstract:At the beginning of 21st century,China’s e-commerce has entered a stable period of sustainable development.As a relatively active industry in the national economy,garment industry is marching on the tide of the times and its marketing methods have gradually become diversified.By the end of this year,the number of netizens in China has already exceeded 800 million,which also accounts for a large number of global netizens.The large number of users has become an important foundation for the development of the fashion network marketing model in China.
  Key words:Marketing;Garment design
  Marketing is a concept that changes over time.In the traditional marketing of apparel,each fashion brand usually has its own physical shop,and physical sales also involve knowledge in various fields such as display design,storefronts,human sailing skills and so on,once the consumer goes into the shop,the salesman will play a traction role,then,in addition to the clothing itself needs to be attractive to customers,sales staff must also understand a variety of professional knowledge,so as to give customers the guide.Practice has proved that any kind of marketing model is not perfect,with a large backlog of inventory,store rental more expensive and other disadvantages,more and more businesses choose a new mode of network marketing.From the first few major e-commerce platform,to today’s micro-business,Weibo as well as manufacturers,such as network marketing,network marketing is showing its superiority step by step.
  First,the rapid growth of apparel network marketing is attributed to the convenience it offers consumers.Take an e-commerce platform for example,clothing sales,online consumers want to buy a clothing,the first will enter the product keywords,the system will automatically select the appropriate product,which greatly saves the customer to the store to ask the salesman Of the time,and secondly,the keyword related products will continue to show,but also save the customer shuttle in different stores choose products time.This is a very handy “filterable selection” process in which a large number of products of the same type are displayed on one page,the consumer’s brain can quickly accept the characteristics of these products,and one of them will be ignored for various reasons Part,and focus on individual products,according to the measurements of clothing models and wearing the state,consumers can choose their own type.
  Second,apparel network marketing also brings convenience to operators.Network store opening does not require a lot of shop rent,do not need the store’s display decoration,there will be no inventory of land issues.With the popularity of Internet marketing,clothing stores are usually no longer a large number of products to be sold,once the network orders,the store can be directly linked to the production headquarters delivery.   For apparel network marketers,while they can save a lot of costs,they also face many problems.Apparel network marketers must develop a variety of coping strategies to gain a firm foothold in this area.
  First,fashion marketers need to have a unique look at the choice of business platform.Taking the well-known Taobao platform for example,joining Lynx just a few thousand renminbi shortly after its establishment in 2003,rents have risen sharply as people gradually realize its potential for growth.Second,what deserves our attention is the Weibo platform.As a very social platform,it has the dual attributes of social media and media.It made it develop a large number of influential people on the Internet,namely,“Wang Hong.” They usually have good interaction,making their popularity higher and higher,and providing themselves with their own customers resources.Second,fashion marketers need good promotional capabilities for apparel products.To some extent,apparel marketing is a kind of visual marketing.Third,fashion marketers need to have enough insight into internet marketing.The development of productive forces in our country is extremely rapid.Nowadays,the apparel industry is not out of stock,but lacking sales personnel.Sales is a capability that involves many aspects of geography,weather,culture,psychology and more.Fourth,fashion marketers need to have the right consideration for the products they sell.As a clothing brand for the general public,the most important thing is to do customer analysis first,there are many ways as to how to choose,and how to identify their own audience.It can be chosen because it is part of the market that marketers are interested in,or the opposite.After identifying the target groups,apparel brands need to be able to provide comfortable,reasonably priced clothing while being best positioned to exhibit a strong,recognizable style.
  In the era of e-commerce world,apparel businesses have set foot on it.As a clothing business,we should never be satisfied with the convenience brought by the express train.Only innovation can promote the progress of history.Although the existing resources are good,it is by no means the best.Therefore,apparel brands need to have their own innovative ways.
摘 要:油画创作技巧有很多种,表现形式多样,油画创作过程中要想画出栩栩如生的美术作品,必须明确油画形式要素,也就是说要清楚绘画不同的人物、物体,运用的绘画技法和方法不同,还应分析美术作品的色彩搭配、素描技术,并了解作品的创作背景,渗透的内涵和艺术,从而从多个角度画出立体的结构、生动的形体,使油画构图清晰,不混乱,给人一种一目了然的直观感受,并且,颜色搭配合理,有效提升油画创作水平。  关键词:油画
摘 要:十八大以来,习近平总书记在多个场合都谈到中国传统文化,并且表达了自己对传统文化、传统思想价值体系的认同与尊崇。陶瓷作为中华文化中不可获取的一部分,在中国文化中有着十分重要的一部分。研究山东陶瓷的的古代历史,和现代陶瓷的发展对陶瓷爱好者也是有很好的指导、学习作用,对山东整个陶瓷业的发展有着促进作用,对于弘扬齐鲁文化,普及陶瓷知识也有着十分重要的意义。  前言  十八大以来,习近平总书记在多个
摘 要:丝绸之路连通了中西各国间音乐文化交流的重要通道,改革开放促使现代科学的快速发展和中西音乐文化更加频繁的交流,中国民族音乐文化也就更加繁荣。西方音乐传入中国,对传统的二胡音乐有着一定影响,当代二胡音乐呈多元化发展,作曲家为了突出作品,使作品被大众接受,进行了不断的探索,不断的创新。  关键词:当代二胡音乐;创作;分类;创新与发展  当代多数作曲家在二胡音乐创作中,对其他国家音乐家优秀的创作理
摘 要:交通管制是一个风险和压力都很大的工作,在挑选交通管制员的时候要求也是比较高的。伴随着航空事业的迅猛发展,对于交通管制工作也提出了新的要求和挑战,在过去的统计中,很多的飞机事故都是人为原因导致的,可见人在飞机飞行和监管上的作用是非常大的。因此,作为一名空中交通管制员,必须具备良好的心理素质。文章重点就空中交通管制人员心理素质培养对策进行研究分析,以供参考和借鉴。  关键词:空中交通;管制人员
摘 要:影像作为一种文化载体,可以反映特定时期的文化与历史,东西方文化有着巨大的差异,因此在影像风格上也存在着很多不同。《霸王别姬》是中国导演开始活跃世界级影展的开始,在中国电影史上具有重要的地位;《肖申克的救赎》是在好莱坞影史上占据重要地位,且经久不衰的作品,这两部电影的文化底蕴直接影响了其影像风格,由于在表现方式、表现内容以及结局的设置上的差异,东西方影片的镜头语言采用了不同的处理方式。  关
新时代呼唤新的人才,理说技工学校在校生的主流是好的,他们青春焕发,朝气蓬勃,心灵纯洁,思想上进,可塑性强,但技校学生的结构较之普通高中学生复杂的多,学生起点参差不齐,学习 思想 行为习惯 修养等方面存在着较大的问题,多数学生学习目的不明确,厌学心理普遍,自卑心理严重,集体荣誉淡薄,自我约束能力非常薄弱,违规违纪现象严重,给学校管理带来很多困难,这就要求我们务必把握好正确的教育观,针对每个学生进行不
摘 要:杜嘉班纳(D&G)成立于上个世纪80年代中期,公司总部在意大利米兰,是当今世界最知名的奢侈品品牌之一,其旗下产品涵盖了眼镜、手表、皮具、配饰、香水、内衣泳装以及男女装等几种,深受我国人们欢迎与热爱。但是骄兵必败,就在今年,其拍摄了一部涉嫌辱华的宣传片,受到了广大爱国人民的强烈抵制,最终预计在11月21日举办的上海大秀被迫取消,隔日新华社针对这次事件做出了:“没有尊重,必犯众怒”的评论,这种
摘 要:领导效能就是领导者在实施领导活动的过程中实现领导活动目标的能力与所获得的领导效率、领导效果、领导效益以及所引起的组织状态、组织环境与组织关系的有效变化的系统综合。在领导工作当中,主动权对领袖者非常重要,在工作当中,领导者如果不能把握主动权,那么从工作来讲,必然会落后于形势,所以,作为领导者应该认真地研究如何把握主动权的问题。  关键词:主动权;领导;效能;把握  什么是主动权,就是领导者在
摘 要:了解纳西象形文字的历史背景,从理论基础中分析其基本构成法则,从历史文献中研究其造型特征,对纳西象形文字在现代设计中的作用进行分析。  关键词:纳西象形文字;构成法则;造型特征  前言  汉字是记录事情、交流思想的工具,是古代祖先在劳动和生活实践中创造出来的。甲骨文是世界上最古老的三大文字系统之一,古埃及的圣书字、两河流域苏美尔人的楔形文字都因各自文明的戛然中止而早早失传,只有中国的甲骨文随
摘 要:预算作为国家的窗口,是我们了解国家钱从哪来,到哪去的一个重要途径。维尔达夫斯基开创了公共预算政治领域研究的先河,他系统阐述了公共预算的政治属性问题,并提出如何对预算体制进行改革的问题。他认为公共预算过程是一个政治利益主体博弈的一个过程,反映了权力分配的过程。本文着重于通过威尔达夫斯基公共预算理论政治属性问题来探究公民参与公共预算过程,了解公民在参与公共预算中发挥的作用,出现的问题,最后提出