来自96名被试的3027个决策数据显示,家族企业身份(Family Firm Identity,FFI)降低了企业对外部人才的吸引力;FFI的四个维度中,家族管理对企业人才吸引力的负向影响最显著,其次是家族所有、家族文化和家族经历。经济环境和个人价值观调节了FFI对企业人才吸引力的作用:稳定经济环境下,FFI对企业人才吸引力的负向影响被增强;高自我超越、高自我增强、对变化的开放态度较低的求职者较易为FFI所吸引。研究结论为企业采取恰当的家族特征沟通策略、提高人才吸引力提供了理论依据,也对公共管理部门采取措施营造有利于家族企业发展的舆论氛围提出了要求。
According to 3,027 decision-making data from 96 subjects, Family Firm Identity (FFI) reduces the attractiveness of the company to external talent; among the four dimensions of FFI, the negative impact of family management on the attractiveness of business talent Most notable, followed by family ownership, family culture and family experience. The economic environment and personal values have adjusted the role of FFI in attracting business talents: the negative impact of FFI on the attractiveness of business professionals has been strengthened in a stable economic environment; high self-transcendence, high self-esteem, and low openness to change Job seekers are more attracted to FFI. The conclusions of the study provide theoretical basis for enterprises to adopt proper family trait communication strategies and enhance the attractiveness of talents, and also put forward requirements for public management departments to take measures to create a favorable atmosphere for the development of family-owned enterprises.