8O年代的新潮美术风风火火席卷全国,陕西依然显得相对沉寂。这沉寂其实是一种沉潜的状态,像地火和暗流,他们在默默地寻找着。1997年秋,当看了在中国美术馆举办的《陕西当代中国画展》之后,我感到一股新的力量正在聚集和涌动,晁海是比较引人注目的一位。 直到这年,晁海才公开了他的十来幅探索性水墨画。此时他已愈不逾之年。 他说他已经闷头摸索了15年,一大批画都堆在画室里,还没什么人看过。 他的好友说:竟不知道这么多年来他画了这些画。
In the 1980s, the trendy fine arts spread all over the country, and Shaanxi still seemed relatively quiet. This silence is actually a subdued state, like fire and undercurrent, they are quietly looking for. In the autumn of 1997, after seeing the “Contemporary Chinese Painting Exhibition in Shaanxi” organized by the China Art Museum, I felt that a new force was gathering and surging. Chao Hai was one of the more remarkable ones. Until this year, Chao Haicai published his dozens of exploratory ink and wash paintings. At this point he has not more than a year. He said he has been bored for 15 years, a large number of paintings are piled in the studio, no one has seen. His friend said: Did not know that he painted these paintings for so many years.