
来源 :水电站设计 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zjhzjhzjh111
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一、问题的提出四川动力资源的特点是:石油短缺,天然气有限,煤炭较少,水力资源丰富。水电可开发容量为9166万千瓦,占全国的24.2%,但目前已开发容量为244.9万千瓦,还不足可开发容量的3%。今后能源建设必然以水电为主。四川河流水量充沛、落差大,修建水电站易于获得较大电能;但由于受地形、地质条件限制,规划水电站的水库库容都相对较小,调节性能较差。虽迳流稳定,年际变化较小,平水年仅比枯水年大10~15%,但年内分期明显,丰水期(6~10月)迳流量一般占年迳流量的70%以上,枯水期(12~5月)迳流量一般占年迳流的20%左右。随着水电在系统中比重的 First, the issue raised Sichuan power resources are characterized by: shortage of oil, natural gas is limited, less coal, rich in water resources. Hydropower development capacity of 91.66 million kilowatts, accounting for 24.2% of the country, but has been developed capacity of 2.449 million kilowatts, less than 3% of capacity development. In the future, energy construction will inevitably take the form of hydropower. Due to the abundant water flow and large drop in the rivers in Sichuan, it is easy to obtain large electric power for the construction of hydropower stations. However, due to the limited topography and geological conditions, the reservoir capacity of the planned hydropower stations is relatively small with poor regulation performance. Although the flow is stable and the interannual variation is small, the flat water years are only 10 ~ 15% larger than the dry years, but the staging is very clear during the year. The flow in the wet season (June-October) generally accounts for more than 70% of the annual flow, Dry season (12 ~ May) 迳 flow generally accounts for about 20% of annual flow. With the proportion of hydropower in the system
1 病例资料患儿女,出生后一小时,胎龄33+5周,双胞胎,自然娩出,无窒息。体重1450g,因早产小样儿,于1999年5月4日转入新生儿科。体构:头围25cm,后囟0.3cm,呼吸浅促,不规则,屏气,无
川崎病 (Kawasakidisease)又称皮肤粘膜淋巴结综合征 (muco cutaneouslymphnodesyndrome ,Mcls) ,是一种原因不明的以全身血管炎性改变为主要病理改变的急性发热性出疹性疾病。 1 967年由日本川崎富作医生首次报道。国内近年 K
目的 :研究和调查患儿在父母亲陪护下行麻醉诱导 (Parent PresentInductionPPI)的临床意义。方法 :选72例拟在全麻下行择期手术的患儿 ,术前在护士指导下 ,由其父母亲陪护行