In view of the characteristics of ignition and ignition of spontaneous combustion propellant, two sets of single droplet combustion experiment system of high pressure droplet and atmospheric droplet are designed and implemented, and the droplet of UDMH (organic dimethylpolysiloxane) Nitrogen (NTO) oxidant environment, the ignition and combustion characteristics of NTO oxidant, the concentration of NTO oxidant, temperature, pressure, convection velocity and initial droplet size were analyzed. The results show that the liquid gel of UDMH droplets forms an elastic gel film when the liquid fuel is depleted, causing boiling evaporation and unsteady steam injection inside the droplet, resulting in severe disturbance of combustion flame. Increasing the concentration of NTO increases the diffusion combustion flame range and accelerates the fuel vapor decomposition and combustion on the droplet surface, which is beneficial to improve the combustion rate. The lower the NTO temperature, the longer the ignition delay, and can easily lead to flameout. The larger the convection velocity of NTO, the longer the fire delay time will be, and the easier it is to form an off-body flame and reduce its burning rate. The larger the droplet size of the gel, the more the ignition delay time is affected by the convection velocity. Increasing NTO pressure suppresses the fuel vapor injection intensity, creating a more stable, two-flame structure closer to the droplet surface.