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信息时代正引领着全球产业迈入所谓的后工业时代,此际,身为地球村的成员也正经由新的合作分工来重新建构秩序规范。此外,新兴的信息产业则被认为将颠覆由传统经济理论所发展出的社会模式,进而彻底影响人类的生活与生存空间。值此世纪交替之际,我们所应关心者,除全球化之冲击外,两岸之互动是我们这一代,乃至21世纪之华人所必须共同关注之焦点。唯此,本文拟本诸信息科技及电子商务发展之基础,尝试以台湾地区电子签章法之发展经验为例,就其中值得借鉴之处加以整理分析,期望能作为中国在建置法律规范环境以同时因应工业化与信息化社会需求过程中之参考。 The information age is leading the global industry into the so-called post-industrial era when members of the global village are also rebuilding their order norm through new division of labor. In addition, the emerging information industry is thought to subvert the social model developed by the traditional economic theory, thereby completely affecting human life and living space. On the occasion of the turn of the century, what we should care about is that in addition to the impact of globalization, the interaction between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait should be the focus of common concern of our generation and even of the 21st century. Based on the development of information technology and electronic commerce in Taiwan, this article attempts to take the experience of Taiwan's development of electronic signatures as an example to analyze and summarize some of the information that can be used for reference. It is hoped that as a foundation for the development of China's legal and regulatory environment In order to meet the needs of industrialization and information society in the process of reference.
人舌癌的实验研究需要易建立、稳定且与人舌癌生物学特性相似的动物模型。我们通过人舌鳞癌 Tca8113细胞裸鼠皮下接种经连续传代筛选后的瘤体作为瘤源,采用局部移植的方法建立人舌鳞
设计总则1.系统设计概述楼宇自控系统(Building Automation System,简称BAS)是智能建筑的一个重要组成部分。BAS是基于现代分布控制理论而设计的集散系统,通过网络系统将分布
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那年,小妹因为受伤住进了医院,我去陪护。同病房有一个女孩,她是因为车祸住进来的,一直hūn mí bù xǐng( )。女孩在昏迷中不时地喊着:“妈妈!妈妈!”女孩的爸爸shǒu zú
初中思想品德课堂教学要优化课堂结构,通过有效的教学方法来激发学生求知欲,调动学生学习积极性。 Junior high school ideological and moral classroom teaching to optim