The information age is leading the global industry into the so-called post-industrial era when members of the global village are also rebuilding their order norm through new division of labor. In addition, the emerging information industry is thought to subvert the social model developed by the traditional economic theory, thereby completely affecting human life and living space. On the occasion of the turn of the century, what we should care about is that in addition to the impact of globalization, the interaction between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait should be the focus of common concern of our generation and even of the 21st century. Based on the development of information technology and electronic commerce in Taiwan, this article attempts to take the experience of Taiwan's development of electronic signatures as an example to analyze and summarize some of the information that can be used for reference. It is hoped that as a foundation for the development of China's legal and regulatory environment In order to meet the needs of industrialization and information society in the process of reference.