听说还要拍照片,李政云有点不太好意思,他的头发怪不服帖地支在耳朵边,衣服一边的领子也没好好待在该待的地方——好像在说:谁让我是个男孩子呢? 李政云是上海市复兴初级中学初一年级的学生,在“首届中学生古诗文阅读大赛”中,他获得了A组(初一、初二年级组)的一等奖。虽然不是该组别的第一名,可排在他前边的都是初二的学生——能在复赛中杀出重围,对初一学生来说已属不易;而要在决赛的5个一等奖中占有一席之地,难度更是可想而知。参加这样的比赛,没有平时的积累是不可能取得这样的成绩的。
Hear that you have to take pictures, Lee Jung-yun a little not too embarrassed, his hair blame unreasonably on the edge of the ears, the collar on the side of clothes did not stay in the place to be well - as if to say: Who made me a boy? Li Zhengyun was a freshman in Shanghai Fuxing Junior High School. In “The First High School Ancient Chinese Poetry Reading Contest,” he won the first prize in Group A (first and second grade). Although it is not the first place in the group, the students who came in front of him are sophomores - who have come out of the semi-finals in the rematch is not easy for first-year students; The prize holds a place, the difficulty is more conceivable. To participate in such a competition, without the usual accumulation is impossible to achieve such a result.