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针对湿法脱硫PH值变化过程的非线性和滞后性等特点,采用动态矩阵控制算法应用于吸收塔浆液PH值控制系统中。基于动态矩阵控制算法原理,建立了吸收塔浆液PH值动态矩阵控制算法,利用MATLAB仿真语言,编制了吸收塔浆液PH值动态矩阵控制程序,同时,研究了预测时域长度、控制时域长度、输出误差加权矩阵、控制量加权矩阵、阶跃响应截断时间对控制质量的影响,并对动态矩阵控制算法中部分参数设计作了具体说明,最后,通过大量的MATLAB仿真实验,获得了各参数最佳条件下的仿真曲线图,且与传统PID控制进行了对比分析。结果表明:吸收塔浆液PH值动态矩阵控制优于传统PID控制。 Aiming at the characteristics of non-linearity and hysteresis of wet FGD process, a dynamic matrix control algorithm is applied to the pH control system of slurry in absorption tower. Based on the principle of dynamic matrix control algorithm, a dynamic matrix control algorithm for the pH value of the absorption tower slurry was established. By using MATLAB simulation language, the control program of the dynamic pH value of the absorption tower slurry was established. At the same time, Output error weighting matrix, control weighting matrix and step response truncation time on the quality of control, and some parameters of dynamic matrix control algorithm are described in detail. Finally, through a large number of MATLAB simulation experiments, Good simulation curve under the conditions, and compared with the traditional PID control. The results show that the dynamic matrix control of absorption tower slurry PH value is better than the traditional PID control.
1教学依据本节课选自高等教育出版社《全国计算机等级考试一级B教程》2004版第三章第6节。图文混排是Word 2000中重要的一节内容,也是对Word知识综合运用的一节。本节课以制