一条深深浅浅被岁月脚步踩磨得 发亮的青石板路;两排高高低低 被百年风雨侵蚀得古朴陈旧的吊脚楼;看过电影《芙蓉镇》的人们或许都还记得那条幽美静谧而富有土家风情的古街—一芙蓉镇。然而,就在1月对日(阴历2000年腊月27日);一场大火却突袭而来,烧掉了芙蓉镇新?
A deep and shallow depth of time by footsteps polished shiny bluestone road; two rows of high and low erosion by the centuries of the ancient old stilts; seen the movie “Furong” people may still remember that beautiful and quiet Rich in Tujia style of the ancient streets - a Furong town. However, in January on the Japanese (lunar calendar on the 27th of January 2000); a fire raided, burned Furong Zhenxin?