Pro Quest Dialog平台是美国Pro Quest公司在收购Dialog平台系列产品后,经技术升级与资源整合,最新推出的国际联机检索平台。本文对新旧平台常用的一些指令算符、索引字段做了详细使用比对与分析,以期使用户更全面系统地了解新平台支持下的国际联机检索系统,方便用户尽快熟悉使用新系统,提高检索质量。在新平台PQD中,通过合理运用新定义的逻辑算符、通配符、截词符等组配形成逻辑关系紧密的检索策略,并结合新平台开放式检索结果预览功能,使用户获得更多的检索灵感,并辅助修正和完善检索策略,提高查全率和查准率。
Pro Quest Dialog platform is the latest international online search platform developed by Pro Quest in the United States after the acquisition of the Dialog platform products through technological upgrading and resource integration. In this paper, some commonly used instruction operators and index fields of old and new platforms are compared and analyzed in detail, in order to make users more fully and systematically understand the international online search system supported by the new platform, to facilitate users to familiarize themselves with the new system as soon as possible, quality. In the new platform PQD, a logically close search strategy is formed through the rational use of the newly defined logical operators, wildcards, truncation characters and the like. In combination with the preview function of the open platform of the new platform, the user can obtain more search Inspiration, and help amend and improve the search strategy, improve the recall rate and accuracy.