近年来,鼠伤寒沙门氏菌(以下简称鼠伤寒)感染已占各型沙门氏菌感染的首位。该菌引起各种感染症和医院内感染明显上升,特别对婴幼儿的危害尢为突出。 我院从1991年12月到1992年2月共收治21例,在此期间正值小儿肺炎的高发期,气候寒冷,医院患儿骤增。但我们及时采取各种相应措施,才使这次感染得以控制,未造
In recent years, Salmonella typhimurium (hereinafter referred to as typhoid fever) infection has accounted for the first of various types of Salmonella infection. The bacteria cause a variety of infectious diseases and nosocomial infections increased significantly, especially for the harm of infants and young children is particularly prominent. Our hospital from December 1991 to February 1992 were treated 21 cases, during this period coincides with the high incidence of pneumonia in children, the climate is cold, the hospital surge in children. However, we took prompt measures to prevent the infection from being controlled