朱红毛斑蛾(Phauda flammans Walker)又名榕树斑蛾,分布于广东省的广州、陆丰等十几个县,主要危害榕树的叶片。1983和1984年的10月份,广东省林科所的林地内发生朱红毛斑蛾,危害严重时曾将整株叶片食光。在虫害发生期,我们从林地内采集了许多病死虫尸。病虫背面变黑,腹部及两侧的颜色呈深红带黄,组织液化。镜检病虫体液,发现有大量的多角体。据
Pharyngeal moth (Phauda flammans Walker), also known as banyan tree moth, located in Guangdong Province, Guangzhou, LufengAnd more than a dozen counties, the main hazard to the banyan tree leaves. In 1983 and 1984 in October, Guangdong Province, Lin Branch of the woodland occurred Redwood moth, had serious damage to the whole plant leaves light. During the pest period, we collected many dead worms from the woodlands. Pest on the back of black, abdomen and dark red with yellow on both sides of tissue, tissue liquefaction. Microscopic examination of pests and body fluids, found a large number of polyhedra. according to