学校图书馆是学校书刊情报资料中心,是为学校教育、教学和教育研究服务的必要机构。图书馆作为教育过程的重要组成部分,是为了实现人与社会的根本价值而存在的,其宗旨就是为教育服务,就是传道、授业、解惑,就是教书、育人。 一方面,学校图书馆为校领导提供政策性、动态性的信息资料,为领导在制定各项计划、措施时提供可
The school library is a school information center for books and periodicals, and is an essential institution for school education, teaching and education research. Library as an important part of the educational process exists for the realization of the fundamental value of man and society. Its purpose is to serve education, which is to preach, teach and solve problems, that is, to teach and educate people. On the one hand, the school library provides policy-oriented and dynamic information to school leaders and provides leaders with guidance in the formulation of plans and measures