【正】 Ningbo Heyuan Chemical Co Ltd,a whollyowned subsidiary of Zhejiang TianshengHolding Group Co Ltd,held agroundbreaking ceremony on June 9th tobuild units
China has a huge advantage in silicone,bothin resources and market potential.To avoidantidumping tariffs,five major silicone producersfrom around the world hav
Long-chain dicarboxylic acids refer to aliphaticdicarboxylic acids with carbon chainscontaining more than 10 carbon atoms.Theyare mainly used for the synthesis
Premature infants who require endotracheal intubation may be subject to iatrog enic tracheobronchial injuries.Such injuries are relatively rare,can be diffic ul
【正】 The R&D work on carbon fiber and keyproduction equipment,which is completedby Lianyungang Zhongfu Shenying CarbonFiber Company Limited,passed approvalof