农家在施用化肥时,常常由于施用方法不当而使化肥利用率降低,甚至造成作物肥害。 失误之一:磷酸二铵随水撒施 有些农民用磷酸二铵作追肥时,往往随着浇水撒施,认为这样既浇了水,又施了肥,一举两得。事实上磷酸二铵随水撒施,不但其中的氮素易挥发掉,而且磷素也只停留在地表,不易被根吸收,因此肥效差。正确的施用方法是作基肥施用,如作追肥,应在早期开10厘米深的沟施入。 失误之二:尿素和碳酸氢铵浅施或随水撒施 尿素
Farmers in the application of fertilizers, often due to improper application of fertilizers to reduce the utilization rate, and even cause fertilizer damage. One of the mistakes: diammonium phosphate spread with the water Some farmers use DAP as top dressing, often with the water sprinkling, that this is both poured water, and fertilizer, kill two birds with you. In fact, diammonium phosphate spread with the water, not only the volatile nitrogen which is out, but also only stay in the surface of phosphorus, not easily absorbed by the roots, the fertilizer is poor. The correct method of application is for basal application, such as top dressing, should be open in the early open 10 cm deep into the ditch. Second mistake: urea and ammonium bicarbonate as a shallow application or spread with water urea