安徽铜陵市二中沈希杰同志来信,我读了化学教学1983年第1期刊登的“木炭具有吸附作用实验的改进”一文后,产生如下疑问:吸附了二氧化氮气体的木炭浸在品红溶液中,溶液逐渐褪色。这个实验的现象能否充分证明木炭具有吸附溶液中溶质的性质呢? 不妨作一简要分析:木炭的吸附作用属于物理吸附,二氧化氮被木炭吸附后不发生质变。当木炭与品红溶液接触时,一方面是由于木炭的吸附作用使溶液褪色;另一方面二氧化氮作为一种氧化剂能够氧化品红,同样可使溶液褪色。
A letter from Comrade Shen Xijie from Tongling City, Anhui Province, wrote that after reading the article “Improved Charcoal with Adsorption Experiments” published in the 1st issue of Chemical Education in 1983, the following questions were raised: Charcoal sorbed with nitrogen dioxide gas was immersed in the magenta solution. The solution gradually fades. Can the phenomenon of this experiment fully prove that charcoal has the property of adsorbing solute in solution? A brief analysis may be made: The adsorption of charcoal is physical adsorption, and nitrogen dioxide is not changed by charcoal adsorption. When the charcoal is contacted with the magenta solution, on the one hand, the solution is discolored due to the adsorption of charcoal; on the other hand, nitrogen dioxide, as an oxidizing agent, can oxidize the magenta, which can also cause the solution to fade.