A monocloual antibody, SZ-2, reacts specifically on human platelets and megakaryocytes. The plate-lets from 10 normal donors are bound to 15,200±4,100 SZ-2 molecules/platelet. The antigen recognizedby SZ-2 is chymotrypsin-sensitive but neuraminidase-insensitive, and has been identified as glycoproteinIb (GPIb) by an affinity chromatography technique. SZ-2 is different from other monoclonal antibodiesto GPIb. It inhibits not only platelet aggregation induced by ristocetin, but also platelet aggregation in-duced by collagen (type Ⅰ) and by PAF. SZ-2 also inhibits platelet serotonin and β-thromboglobulinrelease in response to these stimuli.
The plate-lets from 10 normal donors bound to 15,200 ± 4,100 SZ-2 molecules / platelet. The antigen recognized by SZ-2 is chymotrypsin-sensitive but neuraminidase- insensitive, and has been identified as glycoprotein Ib (GPIb) by an affinity chromatography technique. SZ-2 is different from other monoclonal antibodiesto GPIb. It inhibits not only platelet aggregation induced by ristocetin, but also platelet aggregation in-duced by collagen ) and by PAF. SZ-2 also inhibits platelet serotonin and β-thromboglobulinrelease in response to these stimuli.