《外教社大学英语词典》APP大学英语学习英语四六级考试研究生入学考试专项学术词汇2014 qr.sflep.com all rights reserved.版权所有上海外语教育出版社基于上海外语教育出版社词典语料库开发,所用语料均来自正规出版物,经编辑和专家严格审校。收词5万多条,可满足大学生日常英语查考、学习和考试需要。词典信息丰富,除一般词典包含的信息外,本APP还设置谚语、用法、背景知识、辨析、考点、教材例证库等6个专栏,帮助用户多角度认知英语词汇。与外教社大学英语教材紧密结合,巩固所学生词。单词和词组均可加入生词本进行重点学习。
Foreign Language Education Press Shanghai University of Foreign Language Education Press Corpus dictionary development, the use of foreign language education publishing house dictionary corpus development, the use of The corpus is from formal publications, edited and expertly scrutinized. Collection of more than 50,000 words, to meet the daily English college students to study, study and examination needs. In addition to the information contained in the general dictionaries, the APP also provides six columns of proverbs, usage, background knowledge, discrimination, test sites, teaching material illustration library, etc. to help users to recognize English vocabulary multi-angle. Closely integrated with the foreign language teaching materials of college English, consolidate the students’ words. Words and phrases can be added to the vocabulary to focus on learning.