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近日,爱普生(中国)有限公司在沙啦啦酒吧举行了“影像文化之旅”—爱普生照片乐园(www.photogarden.com.cn)“摄影日记”频道开通仪式。此频道旨在架设爱普生、摄影师、摄影爱好者之间的沟通桥梁,推动影像文化的发展,丰富人们的影像生活。爱普生照片乐园“摄影日记”频道这一新形式是鉴于现代人对网络交流与沟通的依赖性而产生的,是“融知识、趣味、竞技、学术于一体,汇影像输入和输出为一身,集专业摄影师、业余爱好者为一室”的影像展示、交流和学习的平台。“摄影日记”强调网友的参与性和互动性的,旨在通过摄影作品外的故事与网友们切磋摄影技术、分享摄影乐趣,从而充分感受影像文化生活的快乐。爱普生照片乐园“摄影日记”吸引了众多业内知名的摄影师加盟,分别涉及动物摄影、专题摄影、江南水乡、西藏摄影、商业摄影、器材知识、暗房、色彩管理、艺术品复制、后期输出等多个摄影题材和领域。他们将在这里发布拍摄花絮、成长经历、摄影技巧、从业之道等摄影日记,并在网上与爱好者们进行多层面的交流。“摄影日记”除与知名摄影师合作外,还将陆续给独具专长的摄影爱好者开放一定网络空间。 Recently, Epson (China) Co., Ltd. held the “Image Culture Tour” at Shalala Bar - the opening ceremony of “Photo Diary” of Epson Photo Expo (www.photogarden.com.cn). This channel is designed to bridge the gap between Epson, photographers and photographers, and promote the development of video culture and enrich the image life of people. Epson photo paradise “Photography Diary” channel this new form is given in view of the modern dependence on network communication and communication arising from “integration of knowledge, fun, competitive, academic in one, the Department of video input and output as a set Professional photographers, amateur for one room ”image display, exchange and learning platform. The Photography Diary emphasizes the participation and interaction of netizens. It aims to share photography pleasure with netizens through stories outside photographic works, so as to fully experience the joy of image and cultural life. Epson photo paradise Photo Diary has attracted many well-known photographers to join, including animal photography, special photography, the Yangtze River Delta, Tibet photography, commercial photography, equipment knowledge, darkroom, color management, artwork reproduction, post-export and more A photography theme and field. They will be here to publish shooting diaries, growth experiences, photography skills, practitioners and other photographic diaries, and online enthusiasts with multi-level exchange. “Photo Diary” in addition to cooperation with well-known photographers, but also one after another to the uniqueness of photography enthusiasts open a certain cyberspace.
[目的]对西花蓟马(Frankliniella occidentalis)实验种群生命表的研究大多采用单头饲养(individual-rearing,IR)的方式,研究结果可用于田间自然情况下种群发生的预测.然而西
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[目的]连作障碍是设施草莓(Fragariaxananassa Duch.)生产中遇到的严重问题,根系分泌的酚酸类物质是引起连作障碍的因素之一.本研究旨在探讨连作草莓植株的根系线粒体功能对