63岁的奥地利作家罗伯特·梅纳塞(Robert Menasse)凭借讽刺小说《首都》(Die Hauptstadt)近日在法兰克福获颁2017年的德国图书奖,并得到2.5万欧元的奖金,外加决选作家人人有份的2500欧元,奖金总计约值人民币21.4万元。该书描绘的故事发生在欧盟总部布鲁塞尔。梅纳塞为写此书,曾搞了四年的专门研究着力表现官僚主义的内在机制和外露的种种人性缺陷。他对布鲁塞尔可谓爱恨交加。书中集合了悲剧式的英雄、权力场上的输家和不自觉的共
The 63-year-old Austrian writer Robert Menasse won the 2017 German Book Award for the year 2017 in Frankfurt with the satirical novel “Die Hauptstadt” and received a prize of 25,000 euros, plus a selection of writers A share of 2,500 euros, bonus total value of about 214,000 yuan. The story depicted in the book takes place in Brussels, the headquarters of the European Union. Menasseh wrote this book, has been engaged in four years of specialized research efforts to express the inherent mechanism of bureaucratic and exposed all kinds of human shortcomings. He can be described as love and hate in Brussels. The book combines the tragedy of the hero, the loser in the field of power and unconscionable