
来源 :油田化学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:scotscotscotscot
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题示可用于高温高盐油藏的调驱体系由聚合物HPAMAX-73、含Cr3+≥4.5g/dL的羧酸铬交联剂XL-Ⅲ及添加剂组成。通过组分用量筛选确定AX-73用量为1700mg/L,XL-Ⅲ用量为42mg/L,配液用水为含钙镁离子1512mg/L、矿化度8.0×104mg/L的盐水。该体系在80℃静置3天生成的弱凝胶,粘度η*(80℃,0.422Hz)超过200mPa.s,为1700mg/LAX-73溶液粘度ηp(80℃,7s-1)的17倍多。该体系在10~80℃范围的交联速度随温度升高而增大,在45~80℃范围成胶时间小于10小时。矿化度在4.0×104~8.0×104mg/L范围时,生成的弱凝胶粘度随矿化度减小而增大。在储层油砂存在下由于一部分聚合物和交联剂被吸附,该体系生成的弱凝胶的粘度有所下降。该体系在80℃反应3天生成的弱凝胶经受1~5min剪切后,粘度下降48.0%~68.8%,在80℃静置时粘度逐渐恢复,180小时后恢复率为84.2%~72.3%。在80℃、氮气保持下生成的弱凝胶,在相同条件下老化90天后,粘度保持率高达73.0%,保留的粘度值为150mPa.s。图3表5参1。 It is indicated that the flooding system which can be used in high temperature and high salt reservoirs is composed of polymer HPAMAX-73, XL-Ⅲ carboxylate cross-linking agent containing Cr3 + ≥4.5g / dL and additives. The dosage of AX-73 was 1700mg / L, the dosage of XL-Ⅲ was 42mg / L, and the water for dosing was 1512mg / L with calcium and magnesium ions and salinity of 8.0 × 104mg / L. The system has a weak gel formed at 80 ° C for 3 days and has a viscosity η * (80 ° C, 0.422 Hz) of more than 200 mPa · s, which is 17 times as high as 1700 mg / LAX-73 solution viscosity ηp (80 ° C, 7s-1) many. The cross-linking speed of the system increases with the temperature in the range of 10 ~ 80 ℃, and the time of gelling in the range of 45 ~ 80 ℃ is less than 10 hours. When the degree of salinity is in the range of 4.0 × 104 ~ 8.0 × 104 mg / L, the weak gel viscosity increases with decreasing salinity. The viscosity of the weak gel produced by this system is decreased due to the adsorption of a part of the polymer and the crosslinking agent in the presence of reservoir oil sands. The weak gel formed by the reaction at 80 ℃ for 3 days showed a viscosity decrease of 48.0% ~ 68.8% after being sheared for 1 ~ 5min. Viscosity gradually restored after standing at 80 ℃, and the recovery rate after 180 hours was 84.2% ~ 72.3% . The weak gel formed at 80 ° C under nitrogen maintained a viscosity retention of up to 73.0% after 90 days of aging under the same conditions with a retained viscosity of 150 mPa.s. Figure 3 Table 5 Reference 1.
OBJECTIVE The study aims to translate the Sexual FunctionVaginal Changes Questionnaire (SVQ) into Chinese and to establish its psychometric properties.METHODS A
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本文作者认为对学生而言,作文素材俯首可拾,很多就在学生身边。只要鼓励学生用心观察,勤于思考,注意积累,再加上教师适当的指导,写作文一定会成为让学生快乐的一件事。 The