The geochemical characteristics of geothermal fluids in the Athai and Ruidian areas of Yunnan are analyzed and discussed, and the effects of geothermal fluids on the environment are evaluated. The results show that K, Na, F, Cl, SiO2 contents are high in the alkaline hot springs in the study area, while SO42-, Mn and Fe are only found in hot acidic springs in the Atami region. The contents of As and Sb in hot springs range from 43.6 to 687 μg / L and from 0.38 to 23.8 μg / L, respectively. Hot springs to As (Ш) based, accounting for 91% of total arsenic. The As and Sb-fractions of the geothermal fluid are trapped in Quanhua while the other is released into the environment, entering the groundwater and downstream fields, threatening the health of local residents.