我认为,做为增强体质,增强耐寒能力和抗病能力的体育锻炼,同季节变化中注意日常生活的饱暖应该严格区别开来。因此我想,晨练或晚练的体育锻炼生活应以衣着单薄适合运动为最佳方式。至于运动后注意卫生保健,及时穿好寒衣,那是大家都掌握了的。苏联医学博士勒·叶鲁萨利姆斯基等专家,经过多年观察、研究得出的结论:身着单衣或者赤膊冒着严寒在室外跑步是强壮身体,增进健康的“良方妙菜”。 其根据是,寒冷的,甚至是严寒的空气不仅对皮肤,而且对体内各个器官都产生作用,改善他们的供
In my opinion, as a physical activity that enhances physical fitness, enhances cold tolerance and disease resistance, we should strictly distinguish the seasonal changes from the fullness of daily life. So I think morning exercise or late training physical activity should be thin clothing for the best way to exercise. As for health care after exercise, wear good clothes in time, it is everyone mastered. After many years of observation and study, the experts from the Soviet Union, such as Le Yelu Salimski, concluded that wearing a uniforms or shirtless running cold in the outdoor is a “good recipe” for strengthening the body and improving health. It is based on the fact that cold, even cold, air not only affects the skin, but also affects various organs in the body, improving their supply