要塑造有血有肉、有生命力的艺术形象 ,关键还在于深刻地揭示人物的内心世界。那么用什么方式来表达内心世界喜、怒、哀、乐等复杂的感情呢 ?本文主要从两大方面阐述。即直接表现和间接表现。直接表现主要是对人物的心理进行直接剖析和描绘。结合实例 ,本文概述了四种方法 :可以由人物直接倾吐、由作者或 (作品中的我 )直接描述、由思忆联想表现、由梦境幻觉反映。间接表现主要是借助景物、事件和人物表情、动作等对人物的内心活动进行烘托。由此又概述了三种方法 :细节表现、言行体现、景物烘托
The key to shaping a flesh-and-blood art image lies in deeply revealing the inner world of people. So in what way to express the inner world of hi, anger, sadness, music and other complex feelings? This article mainly from two aspects. That is, direct and indirect performance. Direct performance is mainly the direct analysis of character’s psychology and depiction. In combination with examples, this article outlines four methods: It can be poured directly by the characters, directly by the author or (I in the work), by the memory association, and by the illusion of dreams. Indirect performance is mainly through the scenery, events and character expressions, movements and other people’s inner activities to contrast. This is another overview of the three methods: the details of performance, words and deeds, scenery contrast