《文心雕龙》是我国古代第一部系统评述文学理论的著作 ,其中的《史传》专论史学 ,是我国现存最早的系统评论史学的专篇。《史传》雕镌史籍 ,探究史理 ,关于史体评论、史评准则、史才理论等对后世史学影响较大。但长期以来 ,学界对于该篇史学价值的挖掘存在偏颇与不足 ,尚待继续开展系统研究
“Wen Xin Diao Long” is the first systematic review of literary theory in ancient China, of which the historiography of “monograph” is the earliest extant historical review of systematic review. “Historical Biography” Carved Juan historical records, to explore history, on the history of the review, historical evaluation criteria, such as the theory of history has a greater impact on later history. However, for a long time, the academic community has some biases and deficiencies in the excavation of the historical value, which is yet to be studied systematically