刘宝辰编著《花冈暴动》一书已由人民出版社出版。这本书是对中国“劳工”英勇抗日壮举的讴歌,是对日本帝国主义侵华残暴罪行的血泪控诉。 距今50多年前,日本侵华战争失败前夕,在日本国土上,发生了一场中国“劳工”暴动。在日本秋田县花冈镇,700多中国“劳工”,于1945年6月30日深夜,拿起了铁锨、木棒,杀死监督他们的罪大恶极的监工,冲出牢笼,准备穿山越岭,到海边杀出一条生路,返回祖国。但是,这次暴动遭到日本法西斯的残酷镇压,他们出动2万多人,对中国“劳工”围追阻截,有100多名中华好儿女,惨死在敌人的屠刀下。这就是震惊世界的“花冈惨案”。
Liu Baochen edited “Flower Gang Riot” a book has been published by the People’s Publishing House. This book is an ode to the “labor” heroic war against Japan in Japan and a bloody and a verbal complaint against the brutal crimes committed by the Japanese imperialists. More than 50 years ago, on the eve of the failure of the Japanese invasion of China, a “labor” riot broke out on the soil of Japan. In the town of Hanaoka, Akita, Japan, more than 700 Chinese laborers took up iron bars and wooden sticks in the middle of the night of June 30, 1945, killing the supervisors who supervise their crimes. They broke out of their bars and set foot on the mountains, To the sea to kill a way back to the motherland. However, the riot was brutally suppressed by the Japanese fascists. They dispatched more than 20,000 people to stop China’s “labor” and stopped more than 100 Chinese good children and died in the enemy’s slaughter. This is the “Hanaoka massacre” that shocked the world.