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对西藏堆龙德庆、米林和林芝3个县试点人群的粪便检查证明,人肉孢子虫的阳性率依次为20.6、22.5和22.9%,平均为21.8%(P>0.05),人-猪肉孢子虫的阳性率依次为0、0.6和7.0%,平均为1.7%(P<0.01);各年龄组和男女性别间的感染率无明显差异。检查市售牛肉,人肉孢子虫包囊的阳性率为42.9%,显然藏族同胞感染肉孢子虫与生食或半生食牛肉、猪肉有关。感染肉孢子虫者均无明显症状,试用磺胺嘧啶及甲硝唑治疗,1个月后分别复查10例和5例,各有9例和5例转阴。 Stool examination of the pilot population in Longdeqing, Milin and Nyingchi in Tibet showed that the positive rates of human Sarcocystin were 20.6, 22.5 and 22.9% (average 21.8%, P> 0.05) The rates were 0,0.6 and 7.0% in turn, with an average of 1.7% (P <0.01). There was no significant difference in infection rates between different age groups and between male and female. Check the market of beef, sarcocystosis cysts of the positive rate of 42.9%, apparently Tibetan siblings infected with sarcocystis and raw or semi-raw beef and pork. Infected with sarcocyst were no obvious symptoms, the trial of sulfadiazine and metronidazole treatment, one month after the review of 10 cases and 5 cases, 9 cases each and 5 cases of negative.