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在经济理论发展的各个阶段,经济学家们关于“国富国穷”都提出了自己的观点和政策主张。哈罗德和多玛认为国家贫困的根源在于物质资本的匮乏,只有物质资本超过一定的门槛,国家才能实现经济增长。然而他们却忽视了发展中国家在资本匮乏的同时却存在普遍的资本浪费的现象。内生经济增长理论的代表人物罗默和卢卡斯指出,发展中国家之所以落入贫困,主要原因在于其人力资本的低水平。他们的缺陷在于把制度作为经济增长的外生变量。新制度学派则从制度和制度变迁的视角比较成功地解释了国家贫困的原因并得到了广泛的认可。文章在新制度学派观点的基础之上,分析制度与贫困的互动机制,指出导致发展中国家陷于持续贫困的制度因素。文章在最后提出,发展中国家跳出贫困陷阱的关键在于建立一个权威的政府。 At various stages of the development of economic theory, economists have put forward their own views and policy proposals on “rich countries and poor countries.” According to Harold and Toma, the root cause of national poverty lies in the lack of material capital. Only when the material capital exceeds a certain threshold can the country achieve economic growth. However, they neglected the phenomenon of widespread capital waste in developing countries while they were scarce in capital. Roemer and Lucas, representatives of endogenous economic growth theory, pointed out that the main reason why developing countries fall into poverty is their low level of human capital. Their defect is the system as an exogenous variable of economic growth. The new institutional school from the perspective of institutional and institutional changes successfully explained the reasons for the national poverty and has been widely recognized. Based on the viewpoint of the New Institutionalism, the article analyzes the interaction mechanism between system and poverty and points out the institutional factors that cause the developing countries to fall into the persistent poverty. The article concludes that the key for developing countries to escape from the poverty trap lies in establishing an authoritative government.
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In terms of the investigation of Dilthey’s concept of Geistwissenschaften (the science of mind) and the difference between Geistwissenschaften and natural scie
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