
来源 :中国妇幼保健 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yanwensen
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今天是我国著名的妇产科专家、教育家,现代妇幼卫生事业的重要创业者杨崇瑞博士诞辰100周年。卫生部、北京市卫生局、杨崇瑞基金会在这里举行隆重的纪念大会,纪念这位对我国妇幼卫生事业贡献卓著的先驱者,是很有意义的。杨崇瑞博士是中华民族优秀知识分子的代表之一,她一生赤诚爱国,执意追求,无私奉献,开创中国妇幼卫生事业,造福人民。20年代,她就悉心关切民众妇幼卫生问题,满怀对祖国、对人类、对妇女、对儿童的挚爱和高度的社会责任感,面对旧中国旧法接生造成母婴高死亡率的严酷现实,选择妇幼卫生为自己的终生事业。从此,她孜孜不倦,为之奋斗,百折而不挠。她开我国助产教育之先河,创办了我国第一所助产学校,示范全国,带动各地有志之士相继兴办助产教育,并为我国培养了一代新型助产人才,首建一支妇幼保健骨干队伍,推广新法接生。30年代,日本发动侵华战争,民族处于危亡关头,她踊跃投身抗日救亡运动。 Today is the 100th anniversary of the birth of Dr. Yang Chongrui, a famous obstetrics and gynecology expert and educator in China and an important entrepreneur of the modern MCH. The Ministry of Health, the Beijing Municipal Health Bureau, and the Yang Chongrui Foundation held a grand commemorative conference here to commemorate the pioneer who has made outstanding contributions to the cause of maternal and child health in our country. This is of great significance. Dr. Yang Chongrui is one of the representatives of the outstanding intellectuals of the Chinese nation. She devotes her entire life to being sincere and patriotic. She persists in pursuing herself and she devotes her selfless dedication to the creation of China’s women’s and children’s health undertakings for the benefit of the people. In the 1920s, she was deeply concerned about the issue of maternal and child health, and was full of love for the motherland, humanity, women, and children, and a high sense of social responsibility. In the face of the harsh reality of the high maternal-to-infant death rate caused by the old Chinese law, the choice of mother and child Health for their own career. Since then, she has worked tirelessly and worked hard to overcome it. She opened the door of China’s midwifery education, founded China’s first midwifery school, modeled the country, led people with lofty ideals throughout the country to set up midwifery education, and trained a new generation of midwifery talents for China, building a maternity and child health care. Backbone team to promote new law deliveries. In the 1930s, when Japan launched the war of aggression against China and the nation was at stake, she actively participated in the anti-Japanese national salvation movement.
为了解我区中医药人力资源现状,我局于1991年6月对全区中医药人员情况进行了调查。1 调查方法本次采用普查法。调查对象:全区各医疗卫生机构全体中医药人员。调查前统一印制
德国有个叫亨利·谢里曼的商人,幼年时期深深迷恋《荷马史诗》,并暗下决心,一旦他有了足够的收入,就投身考古研究。谢里曼很清楚,进行考古发掘和研究是需 There was a Germa
先贤庄子喜欢四处游历。   有一天,庄子行走在一座深山之中,树木繁茂,郁郁葱葱。   一群伐木工正在山中忙碌。他们把看中的树做上记号,然后一一砍伐。   庄子边看边往前行走,看见山脚下有一棵大树枝繁叶茂,树冠大如巨伞,树干粗壮无比,要几个人合抱才能围住这棵大树。树荫下格外凉爽,庄子走累了,便坐在树下休息。   一直忙于伐木的工人们恰好也坐在大树下乘凉。庄子便问他们:“眼前这棵树这么粗壮,为什么不砍