饲料中添加植酸酶不仅可以降低饲养成本 ,提高饲养效益 ,而且可减少饲料中不能被利用的磷排出体外造成环境的污染。本文从营养学的角度结合饲养试验 ,将添加植酸酶的饲料经过不同温度的处理 ,探讨其对鲤营养物质利用率的影响。1 材料与方法1 1 试验用鱼 试验用鱼是同批购于
Adding phytase to feed can not only reduce the cost of feeding and raise the feeding benefit, but also reduce the pollution of the environment caused by phosphorus that can not be used in feed. This article from the nutritional point of view combined with feeding experiments, the phytase feed after treatment at different temperatures, to explore the carp nutrient utilization efficiency. 1 Materials and methods 1 1 test fish Test fish are purchased in the same batch