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本刊创刊10年来,在有关部门的大力支持下,刊物质量不断提高,读者群从几千上升到几万,发行面从本省扩散到全国各地及海外部分国家,影响在逐步扩大。为了适应农村市场经济的发展,架起农村与企业的桥梁,形成一个通达全国的业务网,使企业找到“上帝”,使农民得到实用的信息,本刊从今年第三期开始新辟“环通实用信息网络成员名录”,介绍成员企业经营简况,字数在100字以内,每期介绍部分单位,每个成员年收费200元,刊物出版后寄发给各成员企业。凡参加者请来信索取入网登记表。同时本刊为各企业提供优惠广告服务。 Since its publication in the past 10 years, with the vigorous support of relevant departments, the quality of publications has been continuously raised, the readership has risen from a few thousand to tens of thousands. The distribution has spread from the province to all parts of the country and some overseas countries, and its influence is gradually expanding. In order to adapt to the development of rural market economy, we should set up a bridge between rural areas and enterprises to form a nationwide business network so that enterprises can find “God” and enable peasants to get practical information. Starting from the third phase of this year, Through the membership list of practical information network ", introduces the members of the company business profile, the number of words within 100 words, each introduced some units, each member of the annual charge of 200 yuan, the publication after the publication sent to the member companies. Where participants please letter to access network registration form. At the same time for the enterprises to provide preferential advertising services.
本文根据公共图书馆日常工作中对地方文献的收集、整理和利用情况,阐述了地方文献对社会、经济发展所起的推动作用,就其收集整理和利用现状提出了一些改进意见。 Based on t
OBJECTIVE:To investigate the effect of didrovaltrate on L-type calcium current(I Ca-L) in rabbit ventricular myocytes.METHODS:We used the whole cell patch clamp
加强图书馆员业务素质,搞好藏书建设和实现计算机管理是搞好读者服务工作的基础。 Strengthening librarians ’professional quality, doing a good job of collecting boo
亲爱的同志们: 正当改革大潮奔涌九洲,社会主义现代化的曙光绽露于华夏大地之时,中国地质学会在京召开了“地质科学、地质工作向何处去?”学术讨论会暨第六次会员代表大会。
Phase Four(第四阶段) 1.简介: 考试形式:考官将引用你在第一阶段提供的信息并请你谈论你对未来学业、事业及个人生活的计划和打算。你可能还需要谈论如果你的计划进展不顺