黑龙江省中小学正在实施国家教委颁发的《九年制义务教育全日制小学、初级中学课程计划》和《全日制普通高级中学课程计划》,其中,体育课程设置发生了较大变化,为使我省中小学体育教学尽快向新的课程体系过渡,学习和研究黑龙江省基础体育教育课程理论是十分必要的。 一、基础体育教育课程的含义 课程一词是我国先提出的。课,就是教育内容;程,有程度、程序、进程的意思。课程就是指教育内容
Primary and secondary schools in Heilongjiang Province are implementing the “nine-year compulsory education full-time elementary school, junior high school curriculum” and “full-time ordinary high school curriculum”, of which the physical education curriculum has undergone major changes in order to make me Provincial primary and secondary physical education as soon as possible to the new curriculum system transition, study and study of basic physical education in Heilongjiang province curriculum theory is very necessary. First, the meaning of basic physical education curriculum Curriculum is the first of my country. Course, is the content of education; Cheng, degree, procedure, process meaning. Courses refer to educational content