Alginate oligosaccharides preparation, biological activities and their application in livestock and

来源 :农业科学学报(英文) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tb0401292
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Alginate oligosaccharides (AOS), belonging to the class of functional marine oligosaccharides, are low-molecular polymers linked by β-1,4-mannuronic acid (M) and α-1,4-guluronic acid (G), which could be classically obtained by enzymatic hydrolysis of alginate. With low viscosity and good water solubility, as well as anti-oxidant, immune regulation, anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory activities, AOS have been widely used in medical science and functional food, green agriculture and other fields. As new bio-feed additives, AOS have broad potential applications in animal husbandry. In this review, the sources of alginate, chemical structure and preparation methods of AOS, and their biological activities and application in livestock and poultry are summarized. We expect this review could contribute to lay a foundation of application and further research for AOS in livestock and poultry.
潘跃勇,这个曾经端着无数人艳羡的“铁饭碗”的教师,下海后以一家狭小的书屋起家,做成了全国第一家民营图书馆。在改革开放的澎湃大潮中,同所有与自己一样怀揣理想的人们一起,完成了自己在这个社会的“华丽转身”。    试水:为不安分的心而上路    1985年,自曲阜师范大学毕业的潘跃勇在众人的羡慕与啧啧称赞中,跨进山东省济宁市东门大街小学当老师,端起了“铁饭碗”。一晃9年而过,潘跃勇从普通班主任升为少先