Granitoid Rocks in Guider Area(North Cameroon):Contribution of Petrography and Structural Analysis

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The study area is located around Guider and belongs to the Northern Cameroon Pan-African fold belt.It is essentially made of three generations of granitoids.The first generation G1 comprises diorites,tonalites and granodiorites.The second one G2 is constituted by biotite granites and biotite-muscovite granites deformed in the solid-state.The third generation G3 is constituted by biotite-syenites,monzosyenites,and leucogranites. All the granitoids are cross cut by aplite veins and The study area is located around Guider and belongs to the Northern Cameroon Pan-African fold belt. It is essentially made of three generations of granitoids. The first generation G1 comprises diorites, tonalites and granodiorites. The second one G2 is comprised by biotite granites and biotite-muscovite granites deformed in the solid-state. The third generation G3 is composed by biotite-syenites, monzosyenites, and leucogranites. All the granitoids are cross cut by aplite veins and
我们自1994年3月~1995年12月以来,给乳母口服消炎痛,治疗婴儿生理性腹泻68例,取得满意疗效。现报告如下。 Since March 1994 ~ December 1995, we administered indomethaci
讲述人:丛振谦  那几年家乡遭遇了洪涝灾害,父亲病倒了。为给父亲治病家里欠下了許多债,年年还不上。有一天,病情刚刚有所好转的父亲突然对我说:“你带我走吧,去远一点的城市。”  于是,我们来到了北方边陲的一个山林环抱的小城。虽然已是年底,但是街道上的行人并不多。我们四处打听才在城边以每月50元钱的租金租下了一间小屋,这时我们手里剩下的钱已经不足百元了。  我顾不上打扫房屋就急忙出去找工作了。在一家中
Wang Buxuan,professorofthermal engineering,Memberofthe Chinese Academyof Sciences,was born in Jiangsu,China in February 1 92 2 .He received his from