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我们看报纸,首先看到的就是报头。别看报头只有三五个字,多则七八个字,但其中也有不少学问。纵观报头文字,或行书,或楷体,或黑体;题写报头的人,有书法家,有领导同志,也有用电脑打出来的文字。但不管哪种字体,也不管何人所写,文字要规范、正确,这是原则问题。我们平常看报纸时,发现有许多报头题写得较混乱、不规范。归纳起来有三种情况:一种是生造字,比如将“開发报”写成“開发报”,这里的“開”,既不是简化字,又不是繁体字,而是硬编造出来的文字。这正如饭馆里小黑板上写的菜谱,将“白菜”写成“白(艹才)”那样不伦不类。倘若把报纸的报头也降格为饭馆里菜谱那样的层次,实在有损于报纸的声誉。第二种是用繁体字。在不规范的报头中,繁体字的报头占绝大多数。第三种是繁简杂陈,同一个报头中既有简化字,又有繁体字。比如《侨报》,“侨”为简化字,“报”为繁体字,也有点非驴非马。新闻出版署、国家语言文字工作委员会1992年7月7日颁布的《出版物汉字使用管理规定》的第五条指出:“报纸、期刊、图书、音像制品等出版物的报头(名)、刊名、封皮……等用字,必须使用规范汉字,禁止使用不规范汉字”。此规定下发后,有的报社 When we look at the newspapers, we see the header first. Do not look at the header only three or five words, as many as seven or eight words, but there is also a lot of learning. Throughout the head of the text, or Xingshu, or italics, or bold; write head of the people, calligraphers, leading comrades, but also use the computer to type out the text. But no matter what kind of fonts, no matter who wrote, the text should be standardized and correct, this is the principle issue. When we read newspapers regularly, we found that many of the prefaces were more chaotic and non-standard. To sum up there are three situations: one is to create words, such as the “Development News” written as “Development News”, where “open” is neither simplified nor traditional, but hard-made text . This is exactly the same as writing a recipe on a small blackboard in a restaurant and writing “cabbage” as “white”. It is detrimental to the reputation of the newspaper if the head of the newspaper is downgraded to the same level as the recipes in the restaurant. The second is to use traditional characters. In the non-standard header, the traditional header is the vast majority. The third is simple and complicated, both simplified and traditional in the same header. For example, “Qiao Bao”, “overseas Chinese” to simplify the word, “newspaper” for the traditional Chinese characters, but also a bit non-ass non-horse. Article 5 of the Regulations Governing the Use of Chinese Characters in Publications and Press Releases promulgated by the Press and Publication Administration and the State Languages ​​Commission promulgated on July 7, 1992 states: “Headings and titles of publications such as newspapers, periodicals, books and audiovisual products Name, cover ... ... and other words, you must use the standard Chinese characters, prohibit the use of non-standard Chinese characters. ” After this regulation is issued, some newspapers
猪瘟(Classical swine fever,CSF)是严重危害养猪业的传染病之一,具有高传染性和高致病性的特点。其病原为猪瘟病毒(CSFV),属黄病毒科瘟病毒属成员。CSFV是有囊膜的单股正链RNA
摘 要: 新课标要求在课堂教学中把以往的“鸦雀无声”变成“畅所欲言”,“纹丝不动”变成“自由活动”,“注入式教学”变成“自主探索”。要求教师不但要教给孩子们知识,更要教给孩子们掌握知识的方法,打造高效课堂,让数学课堂焕发生命的活力。  关键词: 小学数学教学 高效课堂 重要策略  课堂教学作为教学的一种基本形式,无论是现在,还是将来,都是学校教学的主阵地,数学教学的目标必须在课堂上实现。新课标要求
鸡毒支原体(Mycoplasma gallisepticum,MG)是引起鸡慢性呼吸道疾病的重要病原。国内的控制与预防策略倾向于使用F36弱毒疫苗株。MG F36株对鸡安全,具有良好的呼吸道定植能力,
气温仍高,“立秋处暑,上蒸下煮”。处暑以后,气温才有所下降。月降水量少于7月,加上持续高温,伏旱往往继续发展。 注意抗旱,防治病虫不能放松。早管二季晚稻,力争插后20天内