对广东阳西面前海西侧白虎岭岬角附近海域的表层沉积物进行了分析,结果表明,该海区平均粒径由岸向外呈现出从粗到细的变化规律;沿海岸沉积物分选性较好,在双山岛与海岸之间有一个分选较好的沉积区;近岸及双山岛以西的海域沉积物偏度为负偏,其他区域为正偏.利用粒径趋势分析显示白虎岭岬角东西两侧沉积物的净输运趋势具有汇合向南的离岸输运趋势,其原因是西侧受波浪破碎产生的沿岸流作用,东侧受到海陵湾较强的落潮流作用,这一结果与海陵岛岬角泥沙汇聚趋势显著不同.“,”Sediment samples around the Mianqianhai Cape were analyzed.We found that the mean grain size of sediments decreases regularly from the shoreline to the offshore.The sands along the shoreline and between the shoreline and the Shuangshan Island are better sorted than those from other areas.Skewness shows similar distribution pattern as the mean grain size does.The two dimensional sediment transport trend model proposed by Gao and Collins was used to reveal the pathways of sediment transport around the Mianqianhai cape.The sediments beside the Baihuling cape show a converging trend of net transport towards the south,under the joint action of the wave-generated alongshore current at the west and the ebb current at the east of the cape.It is significantly different from the calculation of Ren et al(2001),who suggested that sediments converged around the east of the Mianqianhai Cape.