有这样一位老人,他很平凡,又很不平凡。他叫李长路,他的书房叫“忘倦斋”。 当我们几经周折,多方打听,在北京舞蹈学院旁一栋高层住宅楼底层一套普通的四居室里见到这位91岁高龄的老人的时候,惊讶得几乎不敢相信自己的眼睛:老人身板硬朗,腰不弯、背不驼,胖瘦适中;除了顶心的头发有些稀疏外,四周还布满夹杂着白发的乌丝;宽宽的额头下,高度近视眼镜后边闪射出聪颖深邃、慈祥和蔼的目光……讲起话来也是思维清晰、口齿利落。
With such an old man, he is very ordinary and very ordinary. His name is Li Changlu, his study called “forgetfulness fasting.” When we saw the 91-year-old in an ordinary four-bedroom building on the ground floor of a high-rise residential building next to the Beijing Dance Academy after many twists and turns, we were almost scared to believe our eyes: the old man Tough waist, back hump, fat and thin moderate; in addition to the top center of the hair some sparse, surrounded by white hair mixed with Wusi; wide forehead, a high degree of myopia behind the glasses flashing bright, Kind and kind eyes ... ... speaks clearly thinking, neat teeth.