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宋代的苏洵、苏轼、苏辙不只是文学大家,而且对儒家的经典有深刻研究。苏洵参与编撰了《太常因革礼》一百卷,苏轼撰《易传》九卷、《书传》二十卷、《论语说》五卷,苏辙撰《诗集传》十九卷、《春秋集解》十二卷、《论语拾遗》一卷、《孟子解》一卷。明代焦竑很重视苏氏解经的成就,竭力搜求,编成《两苏经解》。有万历二十五年毕三才刻本和万历三十九年顾慥刻本,其间独缺苏轼《论语说》一种,甚感遗憾。清代朱彝尊撰《经义考》,也未见此书。《四库全书总目》说:“今未见传本”,“其说亦不可复考”(《论语拾遗》条)。可见明清以来,书已失传。我发现宋、金以来的某些书里,尚保存有此书的佚文和有关论述,可见一斑。朱熹说:“东坡天资高明,其议论文词自有人不到处。如《论语说》亦煞有好处。”(《朱子语类》卷一百三十)苏轼也“自谓颇正古今之误,粗有益于世”(《东坡续集·与滕达道书》)。不舍杯土,泰山得以成其高;不辞细流,黄河得以成其大。值此深入研究孔子和儒家学说之际,谨将苏轼有关《论语》的论述,钩稽排比,按《论语》篇次辑为一编,冀使苏轼《论语说》得以重见天日。虽不为完璧,而于百家争鸣中亦可窥见苏氏对孔子学说的研究心得。不当之处,识者指正。 Su Song, Su Shi and Su Zhe in the Song Dynasty were not only literary people, but also had a profound study of Confucian classics. Su Kuang participated in the compilation of “Hundred Records of Too often because of the Leather”, nine books of Yi Zhuan written by Su Shi, twenty volumes of Shu Shoushi, five volumes of The Analects of Confucius, the nineteenth volume , “Spring and Autumn Collection” Twelve Volumes, “Analects of the Lost” one volume, “Mencius Solution” volume. In the Ming dynasty, the focus of the study was on the success of the Su-ming scriptures, trying hard to find and compile the “Two Su-Sutra Solutions.” There Wanli twenty-five years completed three and the Wanli thirty-nine years Carved Gu Xun, during which only the lack of Su Shi “Analects of Confucius” a very regrettable. Zhu Yizheng Qing Dynasty “Jingyi test”, also did not see this book. “Sikuquanshu head,” said: “There is no biography,” “that its not be re-examination” (“Analects”). Can be seen since the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the book has been lost. I found some books in the Song and Jin Dynasties, as well as the essays and related discourses on this book. Zhu Xi said: “Dongpo is a brilliant man whose argumentative essays are not everywhere, such as” The Analects of Confucius “is also very good.” (“Zhu Zi language class” volume 130) Su Shi also “quite correct” , Rough and useful to the world “(” Dongpo sequel · And Teng Daoshu “). Not give up the cup of earth, Mount Taishan into its high; unspeakable, the Yellow River into its big. On the occasion of an in-depth study of Confucianism and Confucianism, Su Shi’s ”Analects of Confucius“ excuse me, excuse me, according to the Analects of Confucius as a series of editors, in order to Su Shi’s ”Analects of Confucius" to see the sun again. Although not complete, but in a hundred schools of thought contend can also see Su’s research on Confucianism. Misconduct, knowledge correction.
目的 研究结直肠腺癌患者MAPK蛋白磷酸化表达与临床病理及生存率的相关性。方法 按随机数表法将210例老年类风湿性关节炎患者均分为治疗组和对照组。对照组给予单一布洛芬治